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sweety1997 March 23, 2024 3:02 pm

this dude has hyperopia and is just undiagnosed. Or he doesn't wanna bother getting new glasses or contacts or something. He cannot see things that are near. Gosh. I hope they get him glasses soon in at least chapter 3 or what and we can see him act how he does when he sees....brah

    sweety1997 March 23, 2024 3:05 pm

    usually you would know when people squint their eyes when looking at something, that they are trying to force their eye to see something better, that they cannot. I guess Noah has never met someone with bad eyesight before so it didn't occur to him "Hm, is it maybe....does he maybe have problems with eyesight?" or at least "Does he have dry eyes?" .... anyway haha started off cute, let's see.