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Xylio March 23, 2024 4:59 pm

So, at first I got caught off guard with the millions of sex scenes at the first parts. I knew jay was a terrible person but still, caught me off guard. Next, I thought some massive plot was about to happen with the brother in S1 but nothing. I admit, my heart did clench when he was about to commit suicide and the whole backstory. But like istg, half of the time even I didn't know if Jay was manipulation or being fr.

I skipped to around ch. 50 (bad idea, but im not willing to read the rest) and uh ig he died and theres that memory plot. Which btw, I'm kinda glad he told yoon off the bat cause that just removes unnecessary conflict for me, but idk that plot was just kinda there.

I'm kinda confused with my own opinions, I base them off on others lol. But yeah, jay deffo an asshole for S1 and if it weren't for MC being really kind and yearning for love he wouldn't have changed.
