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Amazing Supernatural story

Lovable March 24, 2024 11:53 am

It's an interesting story... Reincarnation and Past shadows... troubles.. fear of always misunderstood as an ex lover what got my heart strings pulled and crushed but... I'm glad Harold didn't make the same mistake he made in past and given Seojin the value and love he needed because he maybe a reincarnation of Helio...but he was no longer the helio. He was Seojin Kang who loved the present disheveled Harold took him in and fell for him. Whether it's due to spritual binding but still Seojin faced enough to Just keep Harold to himself. Also the Feud between Royals and Surya (a rebel group) reminds me that mediaeval times of French revolution... amazing storyline. Loved it ! And it's worth spending time.
