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one star

Azi March 24, 2024 8:58 pm

another adult uke who was weak and lost his sane on lust. knowing that he's already an adult with experience in life and yet he can't handle this fucking highschooler guy. I was expecting that the story involved with an adult cos there's 8yrs mention at the title and et dang they choose a high schooler troupe and make him the assaulter. he's already red flag on his age and being a student. his personalities was worst and really a red flag. he's really a fucking dick. it was also involved on sexual assault and coerced.this is so disgusting especially how they gonna be end up together.

ps. I didn't see much the cover. so I only know him a hs student at chapter 1 or 2

    Ichigo March 25, 2024 6:41 am

    that's exactly what I said!