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Toxic, but not even good toxicity.

FuwaFuwa March 24, 2024 10:25 pm

The story is fked up alright. But not in the way you'd probably expect.

Bad pacing. Bad writing. The ending just... happens. The "mystery" of the MC is not at all intriguing.

The "sibling rivalry" ends in nothing and the "is the MC the villain?" was empty.

I was skimming through cheapers at light speed and feel as though I missed nothing. The one thing I was here for (MxMxF) didn't happen untill last second. they didn't even lean into that aspect at all (╥﹏╥)

If you're expecting a good toxic hate read. Or a completely messed up page tuner. Not here lmao

(٥↼_↼) Also, I know ppl say the art saved it, but no. The art is good but I wouldn't say it's "too pretty to ignore" good. The s scenes aren't that great either, if your someone who reads only for that and doesn't care about plot.
