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At this point it’s getting silly. I need to RANT! 1. The baymax genie sales thing is jus...

... March 25, 2024 2:40 am

At this point it’s getting silly. I need to RANT!
1. The baymax genie sales thing is just annoying. Why does it have the power to make lili accept or refuse anything. That’s absurd. It’s just supposed to be handling the shop. Not to mention it’s a total scammer with how it literally makes sure lili is wasting every damn thing she buys.
2. The grand duke (CAPTAIN of the monster hunting squad) is “fragile” so I have to take care of him. Really!?
3. She can jump buildings but can’t keep her balance for the life of her and needs someone to ‘hold’ her to keep from falling?
4. The lady who is the epitome of “womanly charms in high society” needs dance lessons? Again. Really!?
5. Marriage alliance. I get it. Making the princess of a kingdom that’s ALREADY DEFEATED your empress…nah that’s totally pointless and calling for trouble. It’s double whammy because the lady’s whole bloodline is knowing for being evil, using dark magic and habitually sacrificing human lives for their gain. You made THAT person your EMPRESS….
6. Also you’re making sure the monsters you hunted were actually dead. Why aren’t you doing that human enemies?

Over all this is amazing though. Binge reading it was fun that’s probably why those point stuck out like a sore thumb!
