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Not sorry, Ian is a bop

CrtlAlt March 25, 2024 7:34 am

He’s literally two timing. Like babe please stop going back and forth. If he sleeps with Tj then sleeps with Jo one more time I’m officially labeling him as unlikeable. Him and Jo seemed good and without any remorse he sleeps with Tj. Then he sleeps with Jo, then some other guy then Jo then Tj. Like DAMN stop! Im all for belonging to no one but at some point it becomes ridiculous.

    cherryxx April 6, 2024 5:29 am

    Exactly. Like even though no one was official, I can’t help but feel like they are being stringed along. Although i’m not sure about TJ since Ian seems to have some type of deep feelings for him. But I really need Ian to make up his mind.