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KOFF KOFF KOFF KOFF EHEM March 25, 2024 12:06 pm

I'm looking for this story where the top likes to draw/paint(?) Andlike when he went to the rooftop he saw a boy(uke) who was a ghost that did suicide. Then their relationship improved, yada yada, then like one day, the uke said to the top abt him doing it and stuff. Also, the uke was actually also friends w/this one boy that also liked to draw but then, the uke tried to attempt and was too scared but when he was abt to stand up he slipped and fell and died. And the reason why he was still a ghost was bc his wish that he wanted to be drawn/painted by someone important to him didn't come true but then the top found a art pf uke hanged in the art room(?) And brought it to uke and uke the next(?) day disappeared and then top felt betrayed bc he had a crush for the uke. And!!! The uke actually bj's top when they meet.

It's a manga i think
