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Layla March 25, 2024 12:42 pm

This manga all kinds of green flag!!! Park Suho is the ultimate green flag man-crush! (≧∀≦)

But srsly I love how he's saving everyone with all the skilled people around him.

I also like the blonde development. Its not sleazy. The author actually knows how to write down attraction between 2 possible couples.

Why I like them together:

1. Park Suho has not become a sleazy romeo remarking on her breasts or her ass! Like all the other mangas where it's always for the male gaze.

2. We have a female who knows what she wants in Suho. She took her time to know who he is before deciding he is the one for her.

3. Park Suho has always maintained that he's into strong woman. Idk anyone else in this manga who is strong as well as not over-sexualised for male gaze. This relationship is pretty doable in reality too.

4. There's barely any on your face romance.

5. Another great thing is that Park Suho has not converted the blonde into a housewife for him to protect & show off his heroic self like in solo-levelling.

Good job author-nim ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Miszeifa89 April 19, 2024 11:23 am

    Really? He wit the blonde girl? I also like their dynamic Y there are comment saying it will be harem?

    Layla April 19, 2024 10:40 pm
    Really? He wit the blonde girl? I also like their dynamic Y there are comment saying it will be harem? Miszeifa89

    I also don't know. Must be wishful thinking willing to reality. Park Suho has tacitly identified as a wolf many times referring to the pack as family. Wolves are notoriously monogamous, so Idk how the author is going to squeeze in a harem. With monogamy comes hierarchy with the alpha couple at the top so idk