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Layla March 25, 2024 2:30 pm

What I hated about chapter 13!!!!

He goes out of his way to help a neighbour & doesn't even bother to be circumspect about it!

But what irritated me more was him "testing his physical limits" with an ugly smirk when his 6 year old sister was getting attacked in the farm. Instead of decimating the corporate crooks, snapping the neck of the neighbour & rushing back to the farm, he casually jumps around with a smirk testing his new stats (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

I'm quite sure that the news of his antiradiation crops are now spread to the pharmacy company. He should've rushed back & made plans after plans to secure his farm & sister. But no! He just has to be a hero for the male gaze. Because I doubt any female readers will appreciate his jumping around enjoying his new stats when family is in danger #-.-)
