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*my opinion*

ania March 25, 2024 6:12 pm

this shit is too boring even for a 'hate read' or guilty pleasure
the very first chapters had at least some type of tension, now it's just..... uh... smut??
i truly hope doo down is gonna collaborate with better author next time ╥﹏╥ or create something by themselves, like "bye bye"

    ania March 25, 2024 6:20 pm

    actually, my bad, i got confused with the names and stuff. ig kangpucon IS doo down ?? well anyway, my point is I hope they will pay more attention to the plot and characters next time, bc they CAN do it, just decided (?) not to this time lol

    KupKup March 25, 2024 6:39 pm
    actually, my bad, i got confused with the names and stuff. ig kangpucon IS doo down ?? well anyway, my point is I hope they will pay more attention to the plot and characters next time, bc they CAN do it, just ... ania

    Yes, I think Doo Down is their Internet handle, at least they use it for twitter.

    But otherwise - what you said is still true, they are not a good writer and should defo collaborate with someone better.