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Dude I'm no actual pro mma champion or anything, but why doesn't he just change his stance...

(Just a) somebody March 25, 2024 7:37 pm

Dude I'm no actual pro mma champion or anything, but why doesn't he just change his stance? Yknow, so the other guy can't hit his injured foot all the time and steal those points, it's not a easy thing to do, but the guy is supposed to be basically takamura of this, but he's here acting all amateur! Tch tch shame on you "champion"

    Yoonald March 26, 2024 2:34 am

    In reality seeing how bad Jaekyung foot was he realistically never would've actually won on top of his shoulder pain. That hit he got there would've crippled him big time since he kept overworking it and not healing, but hey it's fictional. But in actual fights like this it gets pretty bloody sometimes