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Insoeb is just Kyung’s type, but his heart always longing for Woojin tho. Please remembe...

Ddddddddiiiiiiii March 25, 2024 9:08 pm

Insoeb is just Kyung’s type, but his heart always longing for Woojin tho. Please remember that he always thought that Woojin love Insoeb.

-He wish Woojin is a beta or omega
-Confess to Inseob only to tease Woojin.
-Mad when Woojin left for a military.
-Mad when Woojin interested with other people.
-Always want Woojin attention
-Concern about his appearance

His heart belong to Woojin, since the day Woojin giving him the candy.

It just he know that the only way to get Woojin attention is actually telling Woojin he like Insoeb

Kyung is a twist person.

Hoping that the author make more chapter, cuz this have so much potential to be longer series cuz Kyung need a lot of character development
