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not cheating

jackjack March 26, 2024 1:28 am

guys... they dont know eachother. there was no cheating.
he was drugged and assaulted twice by the guys who supposedly "saved" him.
he wasnt able to tell if what happened is just fantasy pervy stuff when in reality he was lagit assaulted. This happens in real life... when drugged and assaulted you question your own brain and thoughts you get. you dont even know if its real and blame yourself for being a perv, passing them off as dirty thoughts when in reality your a victim and your brain is in shock.

he wanted space from everyone. Friend that he just found out had feeling for him which overwhelmed him enough to drink. Avoiding his boyfriend because of everything as well. he needs time for himself before he is even able to communicate feelings he cant even process yet.

Thats not cheating guys.... its not

its scary that yall think it is.
yall have some unpacking to do.

note: this isnt written well too. youre not going to understand how serious this actually is because of how shallow everything is. you can clearrrrllyy tell that the author is going to made the bear the male lead. and is making the other characters act dumb and bad because they are trying to un-naturally ruin those relationships, this is so that the uncle can get with his molester (YES IM SAYIN IT HOW IT FUCKING IS)

    Miya_Shiro March 26, 2024 2:53 am

    Omg! yes! thank you, Like what? He was effing drugged and he cheated??? The people saying that he cheated and he was in the wrong need to get some help