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Wow wtf that bastard just shows up out of nowhere and get in between his cousin's life and...

Your gay neighbor March 26, 2024 9:28 am

Wow wtf that bastard just shows up out of nowhere and get in between his cousin's life and fuck the grandfather who doesn't do anything to support her. Fuck how they feel sorry for neglecting her, it was the ml who took her out of that hell hole and now everyone wants to take advantage of her after the ml took care of her. And she is being such a push over, always waiting for the ml to help her like wtf I'll fuckinh throw a fit if she wont stand her ground and leave that fucking house even after hearing thr ml is injured. Like bitch Ik she's traumatized and everything but at least do something to help yourself? What in the damsel in distress is she playing at
