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i really wanted to like this but, the ending just left me confused if anything. "Ren is my...

chrollosmassivepussy March 27, 2024 6:41 am

i really wanted to like this but, the ending just left me confused if anything. "Ren is my fate but the one i love is you" um so what does fate even mean? If you don't even love the person you're fated with? When they talked on the phone it almost sounded like the feeling is mutual so why didn't they just find each other and get together. Yes he's already married but he doesn't seem to have strong feelings for his wife and this is FATE were talking about. Like people get divorced for no reason at all but u can't leave ur current partner to be with the person you are FATED with? Feels like he's with his wife mostly bcuz of guilt and responsibility and idk that's kinda fucked up.
I do think azuma is the person mahoro truly
loves and im glad they ended up together but the whole fated pair thing is so stupid im sorry. Like you're just tied to a person for no reason at all and who's to say he would even like ren if they met up again. They never really interacted it was just "fate" like bruh. There was sm build up just to kinda fumble at the end.

    escapist April 12, 2024 2:29 pm

    i interpreted it very differently tbh, ren described his wife as irreplaceable, she must be very important to him. i think that fate are just the rules of the universe whereas love is an emotion you will feel. mahoro loves asuma and ren loves his wife, both ren and mahoro know that if they were to meet eachother, they will inevitable consume eachother and not be able to separate. i don’t know if that can be considered love tbh, maybe that intense emotion could be turned into love? but at its core i don’t think it’s love. it’s merely the rules of the universe that they must be together, but mahoro and ren already are in love, and this is the most precious thing they have in their lives at that moment. to choose their fated partner means the same as choosing to abandoning the most precious thing in their life at that current moment. ren and mahoro don’t love eachother and most likely never will unless they meet. they are actively choosing to avoid their fate because they Want to be with their love. i hope that made sense, i think this was incredibly philosophical and introspective, i love the discussion about love and fate!

    Justme June 17, 2024 3:42 pm

    It means that he is his fated alpha ( its a thing in omegaverse, smth biological rather than truly knowing someone) but he still loves Azuma.