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someone please tell me if I should read this before I waste my time

Kira March 28, 2024 4:45 am

someone please tell me if I should read this before I waste my time

    Kei April 4, 2024 8:08 am

    me personally I think ur wasting ur time if u read it bc none of the characters are really likable honestly they’re annoying w starting drama for no reason… maria basically said some cringe shit along the lines of “stop this isnt you” also some of the things that the characters do are out right stupid and they don’t really think about the consequences of things or anything like that… if you want a more primary school/ past the time read then sure I dont think it’s bad but other than that hell nah (also this is just my opinion I still HIGHLY suggest YOU to read the first couple chapters to get a feel for it and if it doesn’t catch your attention then womp womp ykyk??? I hope this helps sorry Im a yapper)