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Review-ish Post

Morohtar March 28, 2024 10:51 am

DISCLAIMER (because sadly this is necessary with people on MG): This is a review post, meaning there will be positive AND negative things mentioned. If you're not fond of critique or people mentioning something they do not like, this post is NOT for you.

The author of this is likely very young and/or new to writing stories. Some stuff doesn't make much sense, but it is decent enough. Still not my thing tho due to the Mary Sue-ish plot we start with.

I get people trying to dusguise themselves, but there was literally NO effort in their disguises. No wonder they got found out. I'm worried for their families that these, seemingly adults, are THAT dumb tho. Ngl. XD

What also doesn't make sense is the dude recognizing her, yet he saw both the fake and real lady, but he waited at the servant entrance's party (however tf he came up with THAT?) for the fake while mentioning the real lady?
It doesn't make much sense in terms of logic, no matter how it's strung. But maybe the translation is making it a bit amiss? I don't know. Not the best writing there as it is now tho.

The realistic clothes are a HUUUUGE plus for me, as is the nice combo of hair & eye colours. But even the art has issues I do not like, namely the MCs fish-eyed face.
Kinda similar to those extreme droopy eyes some artists draw (´-`), pointing more DOWNWARDS than sideways (as eyes SHOULD be doing). It's very much not my thing. But this entirely depends on personal taste.

It's not my thing for multiple reasons but I WOULD recommend this for less experienced readers/starters. I think seasoned readers might not enjoy it as much, unless Mary Sue plots are their thing of course.
Not sure if the faces are dealbreakers for some, but that depends on each person.
Check it out for yourselves. :)

PS: Please act civilized if you comment. Disagreeing is perfectly fine, but please refrain from insults or nonsesical stuff like 'dOnT ReAd It ThEn', that stuff does NOT make a point, contrary to what some people on here seem to believe. (●'◡'●)ノ

    shitcory May 20, 2024 12:11 pm

    I think it's good to mention that of course, seasoned readers may enjoy this as well, as long as they don't hold up high standards and treat this as one of those "turn off the brain, consume, enjoy" stories. This certainly isn't the worst of those, but if one is looking for a serious/deep plot, it isn't here - but if one is for pretty art and the clear historical inspiration/source for the outfits in the story, it may be worth giving a try.

    I'm definitely those who like to just turn off the brain sometimes and just do my best to enjoy it, despite being a seasoned reader. I do hope for things to improve, but I'm not holding out my hopes too high.

    One of the notable things for me is the set-up for the side couple/original couple to be married - I wish we would've gotten a better impression of mister blond dumbass from the start (ie. something seems to be implied that he does not wish to inherit the position of Archduke from his father, but it's only been touched lightly upon twice so far and left at that). It's difficult for many to find him likeable when all we hear about him is being arrogant and ignorant... it would've been nice if we heard there were similar rumours of the noble lady in his country (about her personality, for example) which is why he's against the marriage, and maybe imply that there was a misunderstanding about his critique of her thesis. He was adorable when they interacted, and both seemed to draw out a different side of each over. I'm genuinely a bit sad it seemed he was dropped like hot garbage so suddenly and that the noble lady seemed to be immediately disappointed in him for sending a substitute, as if she didn't do the exact same.

    I agree with you on the fact that the author seems inexperienced. It seems that they want the young lord to seem both like an arrogant idiot who is supposedly smart, yet a loveable idiot who isn't a complete dumbass, at least intellectually. They can't seem to decide on his personality/role in the story, at least so far. I'm a sucker for redemption arcs and arrogant bastards teased/getting better thanks to love, so while I can see why he isn't important to the main story, it is disappointing how he seems to be treated. It feels like he is both important yet unimportant to the story. I wish he could join forces with the main girlies and they could tackle this mystery together... and I'd love to see him and the lady being nerds a about books or something tbh.

    Morohtar May 20, 2024 8:55 pm
    I think it's good to mention that of course, seasoned readers may enjoy this as well, as long as they don't hold up high standards and treat this as one of those "turn off the brain, consume, enjoy" stories. Th... shitcory

    Very nicely worded from start to finish, I love it~.

    I can very much agree with what you said too. Especially just needing to turn off the mind and read something without much care. We all got those days.

    The side couple thing, I think many authors really love to neglect giving them the needed attention and detail these past few years. Which I don't like since side couples are always very dear to me. Makes me sad to see them be just thrown in there sometimes just so they exist in the story, since it's almost like an unwritten rule to have a side couple nowadays.
    Having MUCH more detail and effort in such parts of the story would elevate the entire comic I believe. I have also read stories in which the main couple was just 'meh' and the side couple was what kept me reading. Maybe this comic could have accomplished the same if done right. But that remains a mystery I suppose.

    It's a very typical newcomer writer thing to make mistakes and almost shoehorn in traits or specific moments. I did that too when i first wrote stories, some stuff just seems way too weird when I re-read it nowadays. (The absolutely cringe I feel sometimes is impressive.) But that is part of the process, as long as people mention it, the author will likely take note and refine the issues found by readers.
    "It feels like he is both important yet unimportant to the story.", is probably THE biggest mistake newbie writers make tbh. You know your villain/antagonist needs to be important in the story, yet you don't know how exactly so it can feel like he is really not important/part of anything except when you need his antagonism to elevate the hero(/ine) or love interest. I find it helps to read other people's work and re-imagine their stories or write a test piece and alter other stories just to see how things can work out. It takes time, of course, but it's an early mistake that can be overcome rather quick in my experience.

    And this, I love it: "I wish he could join forces with the main girlies and they could tackle this mystery together... and I'd love to see him and the lady being nerds a about books or something tbh."
    Turning the antagonist into a real friend and side couple boy is SOOOO underappreciated. It's such a lovely thing too, always interesting and fun! Instead we usually get authors that ignore them, give them a half-hearted apology/coming to an understanding moment before they vanish in the story or like one story I read a few years ago: Kill him off just to cause a drama moment for the heroine. I HATE it. They could be SUCH lovely new side characters half the time. It feels unfair in many moments. And utterly unsatisfying. ╥﹏╥

    Thank you very much for your lovely comment, I really enjoyed reading this and hearing your thoughts. (●'◡'●)ノ