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miss maam is a pdf file

taegi March 28, 2024 5:45 pm

miss maam is a pdf file

    Human1 April 11, 2024 1:23 pm

    Go back to school. You don't even know what a pedophile is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    taegi April 11, 2024 3:48 pm
    Go back to school. You don't even know what a pedophile is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Human1

    If I were to return to school, I'd likely be much wiser than you were the first time. You’re replying to everyone like you’re the FMC getting so defensive. If this was irl and she pretty much continues to engage in a relationship with a minor, she’ll be charged with sexual exploitation by a school employee, and lascivious conduct with a minor.

    In this fictional story, you've already overlooked the serious issue at hand, which identifying cases of pedophilia. If you can't address it in fiction, how will you navigate similar situations in the real world? Please do your community a favor and don’t step outside, your lack in awareness and identifying red flag behaviors is immensely concerning.

    Human1 April 11, 2024 5:52 pm
    If I were to return to school, I'd likely be much wiser than you were the first time. You’re replying to everyone like you’re the FMC getting so defensive. If this was irl and she pretty much continues to e... taegi

    I just have alot of time and I'm not ashamed of it. I'm also humble enough to understand my lack of wisdom and knowledge and unashamed to admit it unlike you and your inability to comprehend what a red flag is or what is problematic behavior ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    1. She did not know his age. Anyone who enters a bar late at night is assumed to be over the age of 18. It is the bar's responsibility filter out such kids.

    2. After finding out, she distanced herself from him so there is no "continues to engage in a relationship with a minor" that you so speak of. THERE IS NO RELATIONSHIP.

    3. She did not make an romantic advances or suggestions towards him AFTER knowing his age.

    4. He is the one harassing her and could be identified as sexual harassment with all the advances and stuff he says to her. BUT the law will protect him as a minor and not her.

    5. Pedophilia is described as an adult who is attracted to prepubescents (8-13 year olds) so NO she is not a pedophilia. Get your facts correct.

    6. The correct term to use is Ephebophilia which is the attraction romantically and sexually towards 15-19 year olds. To recognize her as such she would have to ACTIVELY be making romantic advances at him after knowing his age which she does not.

    7. Although it is problematic that authors enjoy writing these tropes, it is also important to recognize what true pedophilia, ephebophilia, etc is. Which this instant is not.

    Please do the world a favor and stop labeling everyone by terms you do not understand or can recognize enough. Your lack of context and understanding the full picture makes you seem ignorant of how the world works and is why so many people fall victims to minors who lie about their age every year.

    You seem to be the one that CAN NOT recognize what true pedophilia is and I worry you will accuse innocent people in the world of it. So please educate yourself and GET THE FULL FREAKING PICTURE before you sentence an innocent human to jail.