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The top is a complete motherfucker

I wanna read March 28, 2024 8:32 pm

You sick bitch, I hate you genuinely. I wish you'd get into a car accident and lose your ability to walk and to have a non-functioning dick. Somebody put that psychotic bitch in a rubber room and let him rot there, far away from the baby boy Inseop and everyone.

(Bitch genuinely scares me Literally a serial killer, had flashbacks with killing stalking in the mountain scene.

    ala March 29, 2024 1:42 am

    ughhhh this story was going soooo well until the bastard found out the truth like jesus why is the bottom soooo spineless toooo like i knew the top was a son of bitch but i didn’t expect him to be clinically a sadistic narcissistsss ughhhh i have read sooo many bls but this asshole of philip really makes me uncomfortable especially how he forces himself on peter i was hoping not to see that with this storyyyyy and why he got be hugging peter so tenderly after everything that has happenedddddd