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Been reading comments defending Aini. Yes, she's misguided by the memories but isn't the n...

DeliberateMess April 10, 2024 11:33 am

Been reading comments defending Aini. Yes, she's misguided by the memories but isn't the normal reaction to those memories doubt? At least ponder what actions to take or whether it is good to act upon a past life's memories considering what position she's in especially bc she's an Empress and Carlein is the concubine of the neighboring kingdom's Emperor. That b!tch just decided one day she'd sneak away and follow Carlein acting kissy-missy even though as per Carlein it has been 500 years. Acted all demanding, upon meeting Carlein though she was the one who requested the meet-up. Bossed around Carlein's subordinates and yes, I get it, she thinks she was Domis who was previously their "Lord" but not even an ounce of hesitation? What happened to the cry-baby Empress who always seemed anxious and timid? What's with the personality change?! I'm surprised Carlein's men followed her orders and believed her. I guess anyone else besides those who are really close to the real Domis wouldn't recognise the deceit because as per Latrasil's assumption, she might be using a magical artifact just like her mask. Still she's an Empress, legally married, she even has a dead lover that came back to life for her and visits her at night whom she swore she love just a few months ago before she met Carlein. Idk abt the deets in the novel but her actions aren't justifiable just bc u guys think she is being misguided. It's her decision. Even Latrasil is having second thoughts about her dreams even as the real owner of those memories. To those who are defending Aini's actions. Think about it again. Her thought process is just too dumb I couldn't help but write an essay.
