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ajax March 30, 2024 4:31 pm

Safe to say im extremely confused but jo is rlly pretty atleast

    LaNansha March 30, 2024 8:34 pm

    What are you confused about?

    ajax March 30, 2024 10:06 pm
    What are you confused about? LaNansha

    Literally the entire story ngl

    LaNansha March 31, 2024 1:05 am
    Literally the entire story ngl ajax

    To be honest, I’m vague on the details so I would have to re-read the whole story to fully grasp it, but I understand the big lines:

    - Ian and TJ were part of a gang led by Jason

    - Ian left the gang

    - TJ rose echelons in the gang

    - Jason died in the same car accident TJ was in

    - there is a power struggle, which means the situation is volatile and dangerous. Especially for people like TJ who are in ranks. It’s also why TJ told Ian to stay away

    - Ian didn’t listen and showed up at the funeral. So every old gang member who knew him back when he was active potentially got him back in their crosshairs. It’s what TJ wanted to avoid, but Ian wanted to show that he supports him, which is why he went to the funeral.

    - After their car sex scene, TJ left so Ian wouldn’t be around him while this situation continues to unfold. I’m guessing he plans to stay away until things stabilize. No idea who’s supposed to lead after Jason… Might be TJ himself or he might be a candidate or he might just be someone other high ranked gangsters are worried about.

    I should really read it over. I don’t like how vague I am on the details.

    TheTenderVigilante March 31, 2024 1:20 am
    To be honest, I’m vague on the details so I would have to re-read the whole story to fully grasp it, but I understand the big lines:- Ian and TJ were part of a gang led by Jason- Ian left the gang- TJ rose ec... LaNansha

    *Jason died from his cancer

    LaNansha March 31, 2024 1:29 am
    *Jason died from his cancer TheTenderVigilante

    Ah, that’s an important detail to have. I did forget about that bit. Other points I got wrong or that you want to add to?