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the most aware MC

wishin4jimin March 31, 2024 1:09 am

definitely one of the BEST MCs i’ve ever read. his sense of awareness?? the way he recognizes others facial expression, feelings, and intentions is AMAZING and nothing you’d ever find these days. usually the MC is naive or just plain blind but he recognizes things so easily and i love having an aware MC. also the way his best friend ended up not being evil??? TEN OUT OF TEN. i’m traumatized from other webtoons and thought the best friend was going to be evil and try to break them up etc but no… he didn’t.. they actually TALKED things out and MC set himself clear boundaries and the bestfriend agreed like WOW!!! genuienly love the characters, they’re VERY realistic. only thing i hated was chapters 20-30 cuz wtf lmfao. we just got ten chapters recapping the entire story but from the gangsters pov and it was really unnecessary and i skipped them all lol
