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There is something addicting in Saduhiro Mika's works.I can't not read them.It may be cru...

BL-lover January 23, 2017 7:40 pm

There is something addicting in Saduhiro Mika's works.I can't not read them.It may be cruel but somehow this cruelness is mixed up with gentleness. Cheating and open relationship in mangas usually causes me pain, but I don't even care when her characters sleep around with other, maybe because no matter who else they sleep with, they totally captivated by each other, maybe its because I am already used to those things in her works,maybe because this kind of love is so far from being ordinary that I can't even sympathize with any one of her characters...
Yes their love maybe seems abnormal but I guess they are happy in their own way.Her works make me wonder about her personal life.I think there is no chance she didn't experience a great love in her life.I know imagination is very important for writers and mangakas, but well, there is a limit to it too .I don't thing such great works can be based only on imagination.But maybe I am wrong.
