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Just some final thoughts

Destiny March 31, 2024 11:06 am

First off, I’ve seen a lot of comments talking about the one “rape scene” that happened in one of the beginning chapters between the Duke and Dev. I don’t personally feel like this was necessary. I think there could’ve been a better way to introduce their romantic relationship than forcing the Duke. Although, I do think this scene shows Dev’s desperation to find and help his family. This scene was also done in my opinion “correctly” or the most correctly you could do a rape scene. I’ve read tons of other rape and abuse scenes in other mangas that almost fantasize the act, which in my opinion is just gross. And in many of those mangas no one says anything in the comments, but in this case, where it’s done in desperation, not to over-power, or fantasized it, it’s frowned upon. Secondly, is the whole slavery thing. I think this author does a great job of showing what romantic relationships could be like in this difficult dynamic (of servant and master) and I feel as though it’s done beautifully without being, once again fantasized. Although, these relationships might not be totally realistic.
Ultimately, I think the author did a great job and it’s an extremely beautifully, touching, piece.
