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rou2x March 31, 2024 6:41 pm

im enjoying the story and i can't wait to make sense of it all but if there's one thing that im really curious about is that if louise's family actually love her THAT much, i wonder why it took them so long to make a move? like louise of the past have to suffer that much and die in the end.

i know that there's the possibility that they really thought that louise abandoned them because of the intercepted letters but yooo nevertheless, she was just a child when she was taken away.

also im not saying that they're not doing anything for louise okay? but get this, they're a ducal family, crazy rich, and has elemental powers.. if my child or sister, who i love sooooo soooo dearly was taken from me. i would've done everything in the fastest way possible because who knows what they're doing to my child/sister over there, right?

sorry maybe im just reflecting my father issues here idk am i making sense (´;︵;`)

the story has great potential but this thought has just been bothering me the whole time im reading this. i hope there will be an explanation soon. i want justice for louise!!!

    rou2x March 31, 2024 7:03 pm

    i've read the whole 6 pages of spoilers from novel updates forum and i know there's a saying that you should not judge a book by its novel updates forum spoilers buttttt..... im gonna drop this ( ̄∇ ̄") im gonna go back to reading black haze hehe