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last read May 1, 2023

Rose March 31, 2024 7:57 pm

I stopped at chap 70 last year, mannnnn. I looked at the comments they said author is sick :( Get well soon ╥﹏╥

Honestly, idk how to feel about the whole thing I reread it and it was okay. I was doing a hellat of thing. I was cooking, I was playing games, heck I was even folding the laundry while reading this. I want to verbalize what I want to say but all I thought about while reading that was it seemed so familiar. I felt like I’ve read this before. Maybe I did(?)

Neways, my brain keep telling me Hae-guy would attempt to kill them by you know Idk the TERM MY GHAD watisittttt like bangga? CRASH! They’ll crash(?) he’ll bump(???) WHAT IS THE WORD he’ll you know intentionally “sagasa” like intentionally drive through? tf XD oh ghad my brain not braining. And like the seme would save the uke and stuff and he’ll be hospitalized or something. (That’s just what my brain was yapping when I was reading that last chap)

So yeah, insane ass semes and usually they’re my type and maybe I did like this but I should’ve focused more cause now I couldn’t even remember what happened.

So what’s the point of this comment.


