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Okay, Ignis

•ERZA• April 1, 2024 11:58 am

So...Ignis thinks Selena is a boy and he accepted it, he accepted his feelings and is even having doubts wether it's just because he loves her that's why her being a man does not matter to him or if Ignis already liked men in the first place. He's confused about his own identity that's for sure, but, he is sure about his love for Selena, and that's more important. He is ready to have a relationship with her but is trouble about how they can't be married because he believed they have the same gender, he is also worried about not having a baby and wether Selena is alright for not continuing his bloodline as the eldest 'son' of the family.

Seriously, it's already got 130+ chapters but Ignis still has no idea about Celestine's (Selena) true identity. I don't want to complain because it's still lovely however I am also very curious about what will happen to them once Ignis finds out Celestine is actually Selena. Dang, I am very very curious that's why I wanted Ignis to find out.
