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Firstly, idk why the artist keeps changing the facial features of the female characters ev...

Chocolate cookies April 1, 2024 12:38 pm

Firstly, idk why the artist keeps changing the facial features of the female characters every panel. It’s like they forget how they looked like before. Also, their faces look like a completely different art style too

Secondly, Reyna‘s sudden romantic interest in the MC feels so forced, and don’t get me started with the kiss while he was drunk. Like noo bbg! ╥﹏╥

I love when there is romance in action but male authors are just so horrible at incorporating it into the story right. It always seems more like an unhealthy obsession to me. It’s like they themselves want every woman to fall madly in love with them without knowing shit about them which is so unrealistic.

Anyways, I really love the plot and the direction of the story but shonens really need to change their approach with the way they make their female characters. I’m talking of both their bodies and the characters themselves cause honestly, girls have different body shapes but only one type is ever portrayed (and sexualized) unlike that of men.

That’s it for my lil yap section, I want to hear others opinions so feel free to reply ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    nekok April 18, 2024 12:05 am

    I agree with you!