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The MC is so selfish to ask ML to make up with his parents when they are the one who negle...

Koanda April 1, 2024 2:01 pm

The MC is so selfish to ask ML to make up with his parents when they are the one who neglected him for THIRTY years, abandoning him as soon as he was an adult and only calling him every few years to ask for things. They are the one who should be making up, ML is just a neglected child who needed his parents to care for him when growing up. And they discriminated against their own child ffs… and even ended up leading their « favorite one » to depression with the way they treated each of their children
Losing one’s family is tragic, but when a child don’t have contact with their own parents it’s for really good reasons and something they wish they didn’t have to do. You don’t make someone get close to their neglectful (which is a sort of abuse) family because you wished you still had your own. That’s selfish, unfair and condescending (in the way that it leads to seeing the pain of being neglected being less important than the one of losing your family).

I knooow it’s just a manwha, but fictions share messages, and this one is so hurtful ToT
