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Tay… Ilay…

Megan98 April 2, 2024 2:02 am

No I feel this is something wrong, I think Ilay likes Tay’s brother because Tay is almost instant alike as Tay’s brother to be exact that’s why Ilay wants to eat Tay’s whole up in his embrace. Now I’m not sure why Tay’s brother run away from someone to prevent his location where he was in? Probably because of Ilay? I bet…

Seem like Ilay is scared of Tay that seem like He wants to kill Tay as if Tay heard him talking to Kyle about it.

So Tay’s brother, that Ilay thinks this is the best choice to get Tay’s brother back once he plans to kill Tay once Ilay used Tay for sex or something like that… It is something off about Ilay, isn’t it?

    mary April 2, 2024 6:34 am

    Yeah something’s “off” about ilay but no way he cares about tays brother. We haven’t seen much of Jay, but it’s been established that him and tay are very different (both personality and skills wise).

    Jay left because he wants to stop benefiting from Tays luck. He and ilay have only met two times (I think). It makes no sense that ilay would be heavily invested in Jay, and it makes even less sense that he would see tay as a “substitute” for Jay. It anything, him wanting to try and use tay as a source of luck makes more sense (but as far as we, and the characters know only Jay can use tays luck).

    I think ilay is just whipped for tay. After all, Tay is a handsome, lovable guy. Like a ray of sunshine, his warmth and kindness can affect even ilay’s stone cold heart.

    (Excuse me for this essay. I guess you could say I’m PASSIONate about this manhwa lol)

    IamMe April 2, 2024 12:11 pm

    Idk about that, it seems that Ilay just need Tay's brother for the same reason as everyone, since Tay's brother is the pnly one who can use the luck, they are chasing Tay's brother. And it seems that Ilay needs Tay's brother for something else,, and it was previously said that Ilay and Tay used to talk on some phone when they were a child I guess, so Ilay already had connection with Tay, which helps their connection be stronger. And for the reason why he wants to get rid of Tay might be because , it seems that the feeling ilay's had to Tay is quiet new to him, so he's like pissed off because he doesn't know how he could welcome those feeling and the fact that Tay said he hates him made him more anxious, because if Ilay did welcome those feelings, Tay might reject him, and he probably can't accept tay's rejection because his a wacko. So he rather kill Tay if, Tay won't end up with him.

    Bbb April 2, 2024 2:27 pm

    Illy doesn't give 2 shit about jae he was never interested in him , illy is surrounded by people like jae , tae is so ordinary yet so unique and forgiving and doesn't hate that's the main reason illy fall for tae literally obsessed in the novel illy is jealous of jae bacause tae cares for jae more

    Diksh April 6, 2024 8:50 am

    No, lol. Ilay doesn't give any shit about Jaeui, he just needs Jaeui for work, in the novel, Ilay even tried to Kill jaeui just because he was jealous, Ilay cares about no one other than Taeui

    Ja-isri April 7, 2024 11:30 am

    Ewww ilay likes only taeui baby, what are you up to?? Are you reading the same passion ???