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Honey___ April 2, 2024 9:15 am

Im out here thinking bro should atleast try and reclaim his house before he burns that bridge, it’d make marrying her easier but like pop off and let ur instability show ig

    Konnichi_wassup April 2, 2024 11:41 am

    It’s been stressed over the chapters that the man is mentally unstable and is going through a very rough patch of his life. He’s bound to make stupid decisions ig

    Honey___ April 2, 2024 2:09 pm
    It’s been stressed over the chapters that the man is mentally unstable and is going through a very rough patch of his life. He’s bound to make stupid decisions ig Konnichi_wassup

    yes, you're right. I think the reason I didn't really think he'd be traumatized is because of how often a main character will use a tragic event as a motivator for a greater plan yet here he has yet to heal and instead blames himself