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heartin April 2, 2024 3:04 pm

jk felt guilty when he heard what coach was saying so be asked for doc cause he maybe wants to talk and then what if coach said that doc wanted to quit and take care of his cute grandma then jk feels all the guilt and he wants him to come back and the chasing arc finally fucking begins oh my god im so delusional

    Yoonald April 2, 2024 3:20 pm

    Yo people saying granny died.....

    ShenQq April 2, 2024 3:30 pm
    Yo people saying granny died..... Yoonald

    Yeah that’s my guess. It’s not a “What?” like, “He quit?” but rather his heart skips a beat in dread. Pretty sure she kicked it or he’s just been at the hospital listening to her death rattle.

    Noone April 2, 2024 3:53 pm

    Not really delusion. This is exactly what is going to happen

    Red flags rot in hell April 2, 2024 3:57 pm
    Yeah that’s my guess. It’s not a “What?” like, “He quit?” but rather his heart skips a beat in dread. Pretty sure she kicked it or he’s just been at the hospital listening to her death rattle. ShenQq

    I think he quit for real and the chasing arc is coming

    heartin April 3, 2024 3:23 pm
    Yo people saying granny died..... Yoonald


    ShenQq April 3, 2024 5:04 pm
    I think he quit for real and the chasing arc is coming Red flags rot in hell

    that doesn’t make sense though… he’s homeless and broke and otherwise has no family. where would he go? he could sell the wedding cabinets but i’ve looked up what those go for and they’re not even enough for a down payment on an apartment. he could stay at a hotel or with Heesung but… he really doesn’t have a lot of options.
    the other thing is that he could be in the hospital himself after the shock of losing his grandmother and being treated so harshly.

    Noone April 3, 2024 5:08 pm
    that doesn’t make sense though… he’s homeless and broke and otherwise has no family. where would he go? he could sell the wedding cabinets but i’ve looked up what those go for and they’re not even eno... ShenQq

    That's completely right though the death of the gradma seem most plausible at this moment but I am wondering what if something else happens completely.

    Red flags rot in hell April 3, 2024 11:21 pm
    that doesn’t make sense though… he’s homeless and broke and otherwise has no family. where would he go? he could sell the wedding cabinets but i’ve looked up what those go for and they’re not even eno... ShenQq

    Yeah but also he got some money from Jaekyung? Maybe he will stay at some hotel i dont know

    ShenQq April 4, 2024 12:40 am
    Yeah but also he got some money from Jaekyung? Maybe he will stay at some hotel i dont know Red flags rot in hell

    No… Jaekyung hasn’t paid Dan since he moved in after the encounter with the loan sharks. That’s why Jaekyung asked how Dan could afford the keychain, since he has no money of his own.
    This is the kind of thing that women deal with all the time, spouses or girlfriends trapped in a toxic relationship without the resources to leave. Shouting at them to “Leave him!!” is useless because their world is monopolized and controlled by their partner. Not that Jaekyung intended to control Dan to this extent, similar to a situation one of my friends is in, it’s just that relying on someone to that extent forfeits one’s autonomy. It’s extremely hard to leave in that kind of situation. No friends, no family, no home, no money. Trapped.
    The added layer is that Jaekyung needs him now and Dan will likely feel compelled to treat him. It’s the same with trapped spouses. “I work all day so I need you to take care of the house. I need you here because I don’t trust anyone else with my thoughts. I need you to be ready for me to come home because I need to dump my emotional baggage on you. I need you.”

    Noone April 4, 2024 2:38 am
    No… Jaekyung hasn’t paid Dan since he moved in after the encounter with the loan sharks. That’s why Jaekyung asked how Dan could afford the keychain, since he has no money of his own.This is the kind of t... ShenQq

    I get that what are u saying. But It's doesn't mentioned anywhere specifically that jjk is not paying Dan. And the reason Dan was short in money was because he brought a expensive scarf for granny and medical expenses are always high. So he ran out of most of his salary in the month when he supposed to buy a gift for jjk. And jjk know about it probably that's why he said that. He doesn't have much money

    Red flags rot in hell April 4, 2024 1:22 pm
    No… Jaekyung hasn’t paid Dan since he moved in after the encounter with the loan sharks. That’s why Jaekyung asked how Dan could afford the keychain, since he has no money of his own.This is the kind of t... ShenQq

    Ughhh i know but personally i want thim to fkn leave that horse face I just want my baby to be happy