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Lizz April 2, 2024 4:49 pm

I kind of want him to get a gf so he could "give his parents their dream grandchildren". But then again I also want him to have a bf so it's ironic since he's been trying to avoid it all the time and by the end realizes he's also one of the characters. IDK ANYMORE

    Lizz April 2, 2024 4:59 pm

    And also Hatano would fit MC quite well despite being a "BL character". He seems the most normal and like a real person trying to date/win another person and not just some trope. Like he doesn't push him to accept and actually is very reasonable and upfront with his feelings (like how he understands dating underage is not okay and is willing to wait, not like the MC would date someone underage anyways, but you know he kind of gets it realistically wise) . Or the mind reader would be fun too since it would be a very interesting dynamic between a person who knows the world is BL and someone who also knows AND can read minds (tho I do have an inkling that the mind reader would be paired up with the fudanshi)

    Aki April 2, 2024 10:39 pm
    And also Hatano would fit MC quite well despite being a "BL character". He seems the most normal and like a real person trying to date/win another person and not just some trope. Like he doesn't push him to acc... Lizz

    Ngl can imagine the fudanshi and the mind reader being dating and the fudanshi be thinking of dirty stuff and the mind readers like β€œ