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a mess lmaoo

mochii April 2, 2024 4:57 pm

I literally waited months and months to read and i’m all caught up now.

all that waiting. and there’s a tie, he’s gets disqualified and a 90 day suspension. the ending for 52. bro mingwa-nim is dragging it. and for what lmaoo

i'm all for slow burns but it’s so ridiculous that after over a year and 52 chapters, the only thing we know about jaekyung is that he’s consistently an asshole, and that baek bullied him. ok what else?

like I know people gonna come here to complain relentlessly that jaekyung is the biggest red flag rapist they’ve ever read. “how can you read this?” blah blah. nahh. i’m too fuckin invested. been reading for too fuckin long. i’m gonna see it through cause I NEED to know how this will end.
