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lefthandmutation April 3, 2024 6:31 am

i’ve even asked my snapchat ai
-mc was once a professional pool player
-him and his dad got caught up in a scam
-their business partner who also got caught up in the scam ended up being part of like scamming them
-said business partner was in love with mc
-ml was who they presented the business idea to
-mc finds ml at a party and pretty much begs
-mc is then going to off himself after talking to ml (got told no) then ml pulls him back saying not to off himself on ml’s apartment (ml owns apartment complex)

like please help i remember every important plot point hit not the title

    Arleth April 3, 2024 6:52 am

    Mr 100% Perfect

    Arleth April 3, 2024 6:53 am

    Mr. 100% Perfect

    but the one you’re talking about is the side story so it might be in the middle of the chapters