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Thanks coach for doing what all the jinx readers wanted

Arualo April 3, 2024 10:39 am

I wish he had slapped him harder tho haha. Anyways I can’t blame the other guys for jumping ship. The horse had a nasty temper and why the hell should they stick around if there is no relationship between them.
And Womp womp Spirit we don’t give af that you’re having a hard time. You’re a piece of shit when ur having a good time and you’re a piece of shit when ur having a bad time. No one cares.

    Sunflower_s April 3, 2024 10:46 am

    Yea it showed how little he cared for those under him, I hope this “chase ark” really humbled him cause our horse boy has some self-work to do (=・ω・=)