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i dont really get why you guys are going batshit crazy over the art change since i never r...

Yuuma April 3, 2024 11:21 am

i dont really get why you guys are going batshit crazy over the art change since i never really cared for it but if you have such a huge problem with it then just drop the comic and leave. theres no need to demand for a change that most likely wont be happening. i understand that most of you are disappointed with it and dont like it but in the end its the authors choice on what happens with THEIR comic.

anyways aside from that, im looking forward to seeing season2!

    rean April 3, 2024 11:29 am

    i don't think art style change is usually the author's choice.. i think it's probably whichever company that's dealing w it decided to switch out the artist

    Yumaru April 3, 2024 11:53 am

    I get ur point but like the art kinda went w the story yk??? Like changing the art like that author's decision or not kinda js gives the story a whole dif vibe that js messes up how u read it. At least that's js me personally. imo it's a downgrade so ima js reread old chs but yeah this is js my take on it. I was also looking forward to season 2 until the art change... n that's u not caring for it yk? I get it's ur opinion tho