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sorry it's long Ive had bottled this up for a long time

Millie April 3, 2024 3:36 pm

Please y'all I know were impatient but let's think here. Yes it's been fifty chapters, but if you really think about it a lot has happened, it's a SLOW BURN and plot doesn't have to relate to romance to be interesting. BJ Alex had 100 chapters (I have a feeling Jinx will be 150ish), at chapter 50 we were only just getting semes backstory, just barely starting the redemption. It feels longer because it's updated 3 times a month (which is reasonable!! Think about the work it takes to create this and be mindful of the authors physical and emotional health!)

Obviously, yes Jaekyung is an asshole that doesn't deserve Dan, but if this really frustrates you, as some people are commenting about, there no shame with dropping it, maybe coming back once it's completed (if it's really causing you so much distress it's better for you that you come back after it's completed anyways). BJ Alex had this happen too, everyone hated it and then it was completed and now (mostly) everyone loves it.

This turned into a bit of a rant but I just feel instead of having productive conversations about this manhua people have gotten carried away with their frustration and instead of realizing that we are supposed to hate Jaekyung, they call it bad writing. Let Mingwa cook! If we get to the end and still feel frustrated and hate him then that's a different conversation. But right now we're just to early in to just write it off completely.

    LeRain April 3, 2024 3:39 pm

    The plot is shit, it’s not slowburn

    Millie April 3, 2024 3:47 pm
    The plot is shit, it’s not slowburn LeRain

    Imagine being the exact type of person I'm talking about

    manga puppy April 3, 2024 4:17 pm

    I’m sorry but let’s be real. I don’t think people like this story for the plot.

    The percentage of readers is probably—

    50% because of how “hot” JK is.
    45% because of the author’s fame from her previous manhwa
    5% people who actually likes it because they never get tired of this plot, or they are new to yaoi and this plot must seem “fresh” to them.

    Kei April 3, 2024 4:19 pm
    The plot is shit, it’s not slowburn LeRain

    Then why the fuck are you here.