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See you in the next chapter!

unikalluto April 3, 2024 5:29 pm

You all are going to say the same thing each chapter, but tune in anyway. It's about time for you all to admit that you actually like this and stop hiding behind a puritanical facade over mere lines on paper. If you genuinely seek wholesome shit, there's plenty of that available elsewhere. After all, isn't the occurrence of rape or abuse in the original plot a clear signal that this isn't the sort of story you're seeking? Why search for certain elements in places where they aren't obviously present?

    lostbodyhero April 3, 2024 6:26 pm

    the second half of the story was taeseung trying to make amends for torturing and traumatizing sooyoung, of course there are going to be people off-put by him acting like this after we’ve seen his character arc sorry if the comments are ruining your good time but yeah people are going to keep reading a story they’ve read for over 100 chps