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I like the side story so far But in this particular story I wanted Soo-young shocked to s...

Yaoiworm April 3, 2024 10:13 pm

I like the side story so far
But in this particular story I wanted Soo-young shocked to see Min hyuk and focus on him for a while and forget about Taeseung is also there. And how he is different from Taeseung in bed etc etc...And seeing this, Taeseung got very angry/jealous and wondered whether he had made a mistake by calling Min Hyuk.

(Plot 2) LOL
Soo young shocked to see Min hyuk and He was very angry with Taeseung that he had called Min hyuk like that but then he thought that now that he has called him, he will make taeseung feel jealous. But things take u-turn when Soo Young likes Mun Hyuk's gentle nature unlike taeseung.

I've so many permutation and combinations lol...
Now at this point I think I launch my own side story
