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the coach kinda pissing me off bc wasn’t he ALSO one of the people who blew up on kim da...

haemang April 4, 2024 3:30 am

the coach kinda pissing me off bc wasn’t he ALSO one of the people who blew up on kim dan without getting the facts straight???? hm. anyways, even though i know he isn’t going to do it bc he’s so hopelessly in love with that fat headed, skid mark, i hope he got another job offer to work for another team or moved away and started working at a physical therapy facility. when when jaekyung seeks him out, which is going to happen, i hope he throws a brick at his arm and sends him back to the hospital to get another surgery

    LuffyLaw April 4, 2024 3:44 am

    Yeah I was mad at that too. Back then everyone in the waiting room accused Dan with side eyes and no one defend him. Now the coach mad at Jaekyung because of that. The coach has no right to said that when he did the same thing