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Just complaining don't mind me

Ban Yeo dan's a cutie April 4, 2024 7:18 am

I'm in chapter 22
I had high expectations for it after looking at the rating and comments but I'm a bit disappointed

It's a fact that the art is good , but it's not really good for a comic/manhwa , the expressions , frames etc are not accurate , frames are repetitive, it feels like im reading the same part again and again

Honestly I don't mind mid art at all , but it's getting uncomfortable, and it's like the funny parts are forced , I don't find them funny (something must be wrong with me ) I find myself thinking "was that supposed to be a joke ?"

Making a comic (manga/manhua/manhwa) is a difficult job , drawing so many pages , I understand that , but the frames are getting repeated a bit too much
