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Pls help me find these webtoons

Miranex April 4, 2024 12:41 pm

It's been a while since I've seen them so I forgot the name. One I remember is this dude who died and then reincarnated and started all over again but he was at university with a friend of his who died at the beginning but he manages to save her and she becomes crazy strong. He reminds me of a crow, O also remember they go to an amusement park and fight this gigantic elephant.

The other webtoon is also a similar one, but this guy was a hero. There were like 7 or more of them. He was the ugliest but most powerful. He was betrayed and got caught inside the final dungeon for years. At the end he was about to die but he came back for some reason. I think he was supported by like the snake god, and everyone who made part of his group also had gods that supported them.

Pls help me find them

    pluckaduck April 4, 2024 1:16 pm

    return to player
    resurrection of the catastrophic hero

    Miranex April 4, 2024 2:16 pm