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my theory, probably has been stated by people further in the comments idk

thisBarbielovestorant April 4, 2024 2:46 pm

sedin is a carryover of the tower owner's soul or spirit or energy or something. hes not in the novel, he has crazy abilities and latches onto MC the second he saw her. maybe idk hes a byproduct of the tower or the system, maybe? something foreign to the novel theyre getting in just like MC

    Anaphora April 4, 2024 10:27 pm

    same thoughts. had a feeling he's the tower owners soul that maybe lost its memory or just acting it out. Or maybe had a change of heart for the fl. I hope he's the ml though

    _erinepotato April 6, 2024 7:38 am


    The tower owner's soul hasn't possessed Seydin. It was someone else.