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This is really difficult

Turnip April 4, 2024 5:54 pm

It hurts but I really relate to both characters so much because they really do care about each other so much but they're both too in their heads to have the hard conversations they need to have (and the hard conversations are never actually a hard as your anxiety convinces you they'll be)

Specifically Joon is getting a lot of hate because he isn't telling Doha about how he's going to go abroad
But I remember being similar in my first relationship, there was something important that could very negatively affect my relationship with my girlfriend at the time but I was so scared to hurt her or distract her during finals that I convinced myself it'd be better to wait and then convinced myself it'd be better to just never tell her and try to cope on my own because I was always afraid of pushing her over the edge and her spiralling.

My situation was different ofc, but so so similar in so many ways at the same time it's insane
