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luvhoodie April 4, 2024 6:14 pm

i dont even read this because of the shitty ML, but im LIVING for all the curses thrown at him. i gobble those comments up like its my first and last meal of the day. i want jeakyung(idk how to spell the bitch's name, but meh) to cry. i want him to grovel at doc's feet. i want him to *beg* for so, so, *so* long, that he'd dry himself of blood sweat and tears (bts starts singing in the bg) just to have kim dan forgive him for being such a bitch. i *need* to see jeakyung fucks himself up after realizing what an asshole (calling him just an 'asshole' is a severe understatement) he'd been to doc.

and i need to see kim dan refusing jeakyung. *i*. *need*. *it*.

also, love potato for defending doc through and through. AND THAT BITCH SLAP NEEDS TO BE HARDER. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN JAW-DISLOCATING TYPA HARD.
