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author please i love this story the plot especially the main couple, wtf is this rape symp...

marshmellow April 5, 2024 12:12 am

author please i love this story the plot especially the main couple, wtf is this rape sympathizing? daewoo can rot for all i care, then blue hair shit and joon saying they feel bad? huh?

and idgaf if joon used to be an incubus and fed on ppl during their sleep that doesnt at ALL compare to what daewoo did. joon did that to 1) stay ALIVE and not starve, it was a necessity and 2) didnt TRAUMATIZE those people emotionally mentally nor physically, unlike daewoo who did it for simple pleasure and did physically harm joon to the point where he was incapacitated. and i was rooting for blue hair, what the fuck, why is he making light of joons situation?

"oh but theyre devils—" theyre specifically against sin tho?? they literally send doppelgangers to kill criminals and replace them with better people??

im pissed i was literally so excited when i saw this updated too
