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Dim April 5, 2024 6:18 am

Hi if you see me around that's probably because I do long analyses on stories so tl;dr: I analyzed Kaal and Warrior and gave my takes on them

Man I was always rooting for Prince Kaal after all that noncon. I'm loving that warrior is actually progressing fairly well with Prince Kaal by his side you can see the character development in both of then (though you don't usually see it from a porn no plot series like Warrior's Adventure)

Here are my takes:

- I liked how Prince Kaal developed. He was characterized as, at this standard, a good guy. In the beginning he was described as kinder than most nobles despire his superiority complex, but he has every right to think so. One, because he's a prince and two, he has good insight. You can see his exchanges with the Warrior get kinder and kinder each interaction. One instance was how he warned Warrior against that duke, and the other was in the last part where he waited a month for permission from the Warrior (which btw is a massive change if you consider how they first met)

- I can see what characterizes the Warrior. In my perspective, Warrior is kinda like... a pornstar. If you think about it, some pornstars suffer mental issue because, well, some of them are treated like shit but their body responds to it. What I notice in Warrior's Adventure was that literally none of his mature scenes were consensual. They were usually forced on him or like the guard mentioned in the last scene, that the Warrior usually doesn't fight back against them. But you see in the last part of this that the Warrior made a huge change. This was the first time he truly wanted somebody, and while he's in his right mind and sober. How do we know that? He beat up tbe guards that tried to assault him.

IN SUMMARY I like this story in relation to this author's series as a whole. It's a far reach from normal, typical green flag stories, but for its breed, it's somewhat good.
