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This started off really great but I dislike how things went since the kidnapping. I was ho...

Cookies April 5, 2024 1:05 pm

This started off really great but I dislike how things went since the kidnapping. I was hoping for more thriller leading to this, and I hate how their relationship turned sexual just like that, I mean — the uke truly has no concern over it ? wtf is going on with seme, does he bang all his victims ? There was no indicative his stalking had a sexual purpose to it before, like the MC on that show YOU. The manga doesn’t show any attraction between them so I was flabbergasted the seme went that route with no prior building to it.

    Candigoins April 5, 2024 1:46 pm

    It's because sex isn't always about attraction or romance. It's about power and dominance. Many psychopaths realise this and make use of it in a manipulative way. psychopaths want complete control over another individual and are masters in manipulation. Sexual submission through their manipulation tactics and emotional abuse is often a step in the objectification of the victim.

    Pachinko April 6, 2024 4:34 am
    It's because sex isn't always about attraction or romance. It's about power and dominance. Many psychopaths realise this and make use of it in a manipulative way. psychopaths want complete control over another ... Candigoins

    Um I get what you mean but please don't say psychopath when you mean serial killer. They're not synonymous. Experiencing psychopathy does not make you a serial killer just as not all serial killers are psychopaths. Please be more mindful of your words and how you approach mental illness thank you

    Candigoins April 6, 2024 4:57 am
    Um I get what you mean but please don't say psychopath when you mean serial killer. They're not synonymous. Experiencing psychopathy does not make you a serial killer just as not all serial killers are psychopa... Pachinko

    Well we are talking about this story, right? So, I was right to use that word because he is showing the psychopathic traits most commonly looked for when looking at someone with antisocial personality disorder. Sooo, thank you

    Pachinko April 6, 2024 12:04 pm
    Well we are talking about this story, right? So, I was right to use that word because he is showing the psychopathic traits most commonly looked for when looking at someone with antisocial personality disorder.... Candigoins

    Well then why not say that the character is manipulative?? Why make a sweeping statement about psychopathy? And in case you're wondering why I care so much - it just personally affects me since my mother is a sociopath and I also developed symptoms of schizophrenia and had to take anti-psychotics for a few years. Both of these conditions fall under the umbrella of 'psychopathy'. Neither of us are serial killers who try to lure ppl to their doom lol. Like your original statement in relation to the story I think is a good angle to look at it *except* for the fact that you applied it to psychopathy instead of just this particular character. Psychopathy is just another mental illness just as depression or anxiety, and yet it's demonized to the point where ppl like me don't feel safe and have trouble telling ppl close to us what we go thru because of how heavily people perpetuate the narrative that psychopaths are 'dangerous' when really any untreated mental illness can be dangerous...All I'm asking is just to please show a little sensitivity when talking about psychopathy instead of making grand sweeping statements about it as you did in your original message, when you said yourself that your reply was in regards to the story ╥﹏╥

    Cookies April 6, 2024 1:41 pm
    It's because sex isn't always about attraction or romance. It's about power and dominance. Many psychopaths realise this and make use of it in a manipulative way. psychopaths want complete control over another ... Candigoins

    Aaah I was typing a reply and accidentally deleted everything lol tragedy. Anyways I think you make a really good point. I guess it’s just that I prefer when authors build on the attraction part first, a great example that I always hold close to my heart is The beast must die, one of the greatest stories depicting a relationship with a psychopath that I can think of. Anyways, on The Beast Must Die, it was clear from the beginning the attraction the seme felt for the main character, even if he really got off on the domination aspect of their sexual encounters too. I just don’t like the way the author of this story choose to do things, since I prefer when sexual tension / flirting comes first. But the story is still ongoing so maybe things will change. For now though, the sex scenes on this manga just make no sense to me, there’s no connection or chemistry between characters whatsoever.

    Candigoins April 6, 2024 4:09 pm
    Well then why not say that the character is manipulative?? Why make a sweeping statement about psychopathy? And in case you're wondering why I care so much - it just personally affects me since my mother is a s... Pachinko

    Well duh. I never made a sweeping statement that all people with those traits turn to killers. I have those traits myself. I WAS answering cookies question of why the story turned sexual so quick and why the seme who had never turned to sexual violence before did so now. Because the seme is a serial killer had nothing to do with the issue babes. Stay focused on the context of the conversation if you want to include yourself. Maybe stop being so defensive.

    Candigoins April 6, 2024 4:14 pm
    Aaah I was typing a reply and accidentally deleted everything lol tragedy. Anyways I think you make a really good point. I guess it’s just that I prefer when authors build on the attraction part first, a grea... Cookies

    Same I definitely prefer a story with attraction 1st as well. If I don't drop this story, I hope it gets better with the seme being killed or made to pay because the uke decides to start caring about himself. Then he finds someone else to love. I doubt it though. Lol